Academic Achievement Awards
The Phi Beta Kappa Association of Maine is again extending an open invitation to all high schools in the State to select one outstanding student for designation as the Phi Beta Kappa Academic Achievement Award winner.
For 2022 we are asking you to select the junior who is "going on to higher education and who has demonstrated intellectual curiosity and achievement in and beyond the classroom." The intent of this award is to recognize outstanding high school students and encourage the study of liberal arts and sciences by Maine students. We have purposely selected to honor outstanding Juniors to give students the opportunity to mention this prestigious award on their college applications, even those being submitted for early decision.
At this time we are asking you to download and complete our nomination form selecting the Junior you believe most closely meets the criteria for the award. Also included on this form is a space to indicate if and when your school holds an award-conferring event and whether or not you would like a PBK representative present to convey the award.
The nomination form can be found at the link on the right side of this web page.
The deadline for submission of names is Friday, April 15, 2022.
Thank you for your attention to this deadline so that we can have adequate time to prepare and award the certificate this Spring. Please return the nomination form by email to or by regular mail to Timothy Benoit, PO Box 426, Portland, ME 04101-0426.